Friday 7 February 2014

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development

High Level Committee on Status of Women
The Government of India has set up a High Level Committee on the status of women to undertake comprehensive study to understand the status of women since 1989 as well as to evolve appropriate policy interventions based on a contemporary assessment of women’s needs. The High Level Committee was constituted vide Resolution dated 27 February, 2012 and it is required to present its report within 2 years.

The composition of the Committee is as under:-

Justice Ruma Pal
Dr.Amita Singh
Dr. Pam Rajput
Ms. Rita Sarin
Dr.Manorma Singh
Dr.Shantha Krishnan
Dr.Nirmala Devi
Ms.Manira A Pinto
Mrs.Suman Kumar
Mrs.Anusuiya Sharma
SmtDeepa Jain Singh
Member Secretary

The Terms of Reference of the above High Level Committee (HLC) are as follows:-

i)                    The HLC will conduct an intensive literature survey to take stock of published data, reports, articles and research from about 1989 onwards, on the status of women in India.

ii)                  The HLC will prepare a Report on the current socio-economic, political and legal status of women in India. The Report will also bring out the interconnectedness of these aspects in terms of their impact on women and recommend measures for holistic empowerment of women.

iii)                The HLC will examine the overall status of women including, inter-alia, the socio-economic, health and nutritional, legal and political status, disaggregated by rural/urban, economic and social position (e.g. APL/BPL, SC/ST, single women, disabled women, migrant women) and wherever possible by minority status (e.g. muslims/others). The analysis would take account of cross-regional differences and focus on inequalities both within and outside the household. It would also assess the impact made by existing policies and legislative changes on equality, security and holistic empowerment of women, and will identify inequalities in policy and legislation as well as gaps in implementation. 

iv)                The HLC will, inter-alia examine:

i.                    women’s access to and participation in formal and informal paid employment; emerging areas of participation, geographical pattern of their economic activity, unpaid work/ care economy, etc.

ii.                  their asset base and income levels, access to and control over property, land and other productive resources.

iii.                access to micro-finance, bank credit, training and skill upgradation, marketing etc. and constraints on increase in productivity.

iv.                societal attitude to women and changes therein- discrimination as reflected in declining sex ratio in different age groups, age at marriage, involvement in decision making; and changes in the extent and nature of violence and abuse of women, both within and outside the house; and other forms of discrimination on account of customary practices.

v.                  level of socio-economic development in terms of relevant indicators of health, nutrition and education.

vi.                impact of laws on women and gaps in respect of laws which are directly focused on women as well as those which affect women indirectly.  While doing so, the Committee would also look into women’s awareness of the laws, access to law, women’s inability to use laws effectively, sensitivity of law enforcement agencies as well as the judiciary, role of caste panchayats and other customary practices, condition of women in prisons and other custodial institutions.

vii.              change in women’s political status with respect to their participation in Panchayats, State Legislature and Parliament, the nature and extent  of participation, challenges and impact of change in women’s political status on their socio-economic empowerment.

viii.            assess the impact of major women centric programmes and schemes on improving the overall status of women including, inter-alia, socio-economic, health, and nutritional, legal and political.

ix.                any other issue that the Committee may think is of relevance, within the above framework, for determining the status of women.

x.                  the Committee would identify areas of intervention and recommend measures for affirmative action by the Government for the holistic empowerment of women.

This was stated by Smt. Krishna Tirath, Minister for Women and Child Development, in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha today.

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