Saturday 7 June 2014

Rape cases in Delhi double after gang rape of student on bus

Number of rape cases in Delhi have spiked since the gang rape and murder of a student on bus in India

Protesters stage a mock execution in New Delhi after the verdicts in the trial came in Photo: SAURABH DAS/AP
The number of rape cases in India’s capital Delhi has almost doubled since the gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student on a local bus last December shocked the world and provoked a national debate on violence against women.
Four of the six men who beat the girl with iron rods and gang raped her after she and a friend boarded a bus home from a trip to the cinema, were sentenced to death in September.
But the scale of protests following the murder and the deep national soul searching it caused has not had a deterrent attack on the capital’s notorious men, campaigners said.
According to new government figures there have been 1,330 rapes in Delhi in the 10 months since January compared with 706 for the whole of 2012.
Sexual assaults increased more than three fold from 727 last year to 2,844 this year. Sexual harassment, known in India as ‘Eve-teasing’, kidnapping of women, and attacks on brides by husbands and in-laws also increased significantly.
The new figures were disclosed in the Supreme Court this week and were denounced by three judges who said it reflected the continuing vulnerability of women in the capital. “Women are not safe and even subjected to molestation while traveling in buses, Justice Singhvi said.
Ranjana Kumari, a leading campaigner for women’s rights, said the higher number of incidents reflected both greater confidence among women to report cases since the Delhi gang-rape case and a continuing and rising threat to women.
“Reporting and recording of sexual violence cases has increased in Delhi but the figures themselves speak about the safety of the women. The rapes cases have doubled compared to the last year and these are just the tip of the iceberg.
“Social change or misogynistic attitudes will take generations to change and until then we need to punish the offenders to give out the message that violence against women will not be tolerated,” she said.

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